Brookings Institute Unveils Key Issues for the African Continent in 2015

Brookings Institute Unveils Key Issues for the African Continent in 2015

The end of the year is always ushered in with a wave of excitement, with both individuals and organizations alike reviewing the best things to have happened, and eagerly anticipating those yet to come. Plans are made, goals are set, and all in one night the slate is cleaned and we begin again.

The Holiday Conversation Guide to the PRI

The Holiday Conversation Guide to the PRI

The Question: “So your job is to figure out how to give away money?!”

Reflecting on the African Scholars Program

Reflecting on the African Scholars Program

The month of December brings about many exciting times. For some it’s the start of the holiday season, gearing up for multiple gatherings with family and friends, and basking in the spirit of giving. Others look to December as a time to reflect on the accomplishments of another year gone too quickly and start to focus on what new beginnings will come in January.

Will a Teacher Crisis Prevent Accomplishment of the MDGs and EFA?

Will a Teacher Crisis Prevent Accomplishment of the MDGs and EFA?

The education sector is experiencing a teacher crisis that if left unaddressed could prevent some United Nations member states from meeting the universal primary education and quality goals put forth.

Education Suggestions Made To European Union Hit the Mark, But Fail to Clarify Where and How the Low Cost Private School Sector Fits Into the Conversation

Education Suggestions Made To European Union Hit the Mark, But Fail to Clarify Where and How the Low Cost Private School Sector Fits Into the Conversation

Recently the head of the Plan EU office in Brussels, Alexandra Mackaroff, wrote a short piece for Devex on gender equality and put forth some recommendations for the European Union on ways to take action and combat growing inequality in developing nations.

Is Education For All Really “For All”?

Is Education For All Really “For All”?

Every September, the international community descends on New York City to participate in the United Nations General Assembly. The month alone signifies change as we start to see flickers of the seasonal shift, but it also means something for the global landscape as we see so many world leaders come together to discuss the greatest needs around the globe.

Dr. Mo Ibrahim Presents at the Second Annual IDP Foundation/Irene D. Prtizker Distinguished Lecture on Social and Economic Development

Dr. Mo Ibrahim Presents at the Second Annual IDP Foundation/Irene D. Prtizker Distinguished Lecture on Social and Economic Development

Last year, the inaugural IDP Foundation/Irene D. Pritzker Distinguished Lecture on Social and Economic Development was delighted to bring forth Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO to present an insightful lecture about UNESCO’s role in promoting social and economic development.

New Research on the Low-Cost Private School Sector

New Research on the Low-Cost Private School Sector

The IDP Foundation, Inc. is committed to collecting data from the low-cost private schools participating in the IDP Rising Schools Program and welcomes the contribution of additional research that highlights the important role this sector plays in providing Education For All.

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